Friday, 22 February 2013

Where have the weeks gone ........ ?

January slipped by and now we're almost through February - incredible!  And me? - I think I've been in hibernation most of that time, snuggled up trying to keep warm indoors, warding off the Arctic gales and snow that we've had on and off since Christmas. Every so often the sun comes out and the skies turn bright blue with the promise of spring just around the corner (guaranteed to lift flagging spirits). Unfortunately, today wasn't one of those and it has been (still is) freezing cold even with the heat up high - brrr !!! The weather lady has promised even more cold weather (and possibly a sprinkling of snow) tomorrow so I better get well wrapped up from top to toe for tomorrow's football match down at Bloomfield Road.

Nothing to show on the crafty front, but I was halfway through knitting the first of another pair of stripy socks until Mia decided to intervene. Late one night, when no-one was looking, she tracked down the wool in my knitting bag and when Graham walked into the room later, wool and needles were scattered all across the floor in a tangled mess!!!! This was the result ........
Well, I have had a couple of attempts at untangling the mess but without success and I've now given up (for the time being at least) as I absolutely HATE trying to undo knots and there doesn't look any way round this apart from cutting the yarn and tying a knot - or two - or three !  So, I think this'll get thrown into the UFO (unfinished objects) pile and I'll start over with another ball of yarn.  What a little minx Mia is - Siamese cats are notorious for being obsessed with wool and she definitely is.

Her mischievousness didn't end there though - yesterday, whilst I was out doing the grocery shopping, Graham was washing up when along came Mia and knocked his favourite mug into the sink, smashing the handle off it and chipping a piece off the rim of another one!  Then she spent the rest of the day moithering to go out and come back in a few minutes later, hollering and dashing about, had the real fidgets and wouldn't settle much at all ...... I think spring is definitely in the air!

On a completely different note, if you'd like a chance at winning some great blog candy hop over to my sister Lindsay's blog where she's giving away a set of her new Doo Lally Pip stamps and a tag.  Well worth winning!


  1. Your tale of Mia and the wool brought back memories of my Mum having to cut off tangles made by our cat! Hope it's not too cold for you tomorrow! Chrisx

  2. I've just recovered from the shock that you're back on your blog.....hooorraaaaayyyy!!!! LOL! I really like the new background. Naughty little Mia. Thomas and Tara went out this morning and came back in looking as if they had dandruff...yes, snow again! Thanks for the candy mention too sis!
    Lindsay x x x

  3. I don't know, you would have thought Mia would knit a row or 2 instead!!LOL Better you than me stood in the cold at Bloomfield Road, I'm depressed enough. Like Lindsay, I'm surprised to see a blog post from you, pleasantly though.
    Mia X
