Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Some Vintage Ladies for You

It's been a few days since I last posted, have been doing a few arty projects but no photos yet to upload (hopefully I'll get round to showing you what I've been making soon). 

Sooooo, in the meantime ..... I thought you might like some images of vintage ladies that you can download and use in your own artwork.  I have quite a collection of cabinet cards and cartes de vue (these were photographs, generally portraits or family groupings, taken by studio photographers in Victorian/Edwardian times - often they would mark some special occasion, such as a birthday, wedding or engagement).  The original cabinet cards have a sturdy card base and the backs are often very ornately decorated with the photographer's details on them.  The cards are great for working on and altering too - you can throw virtually anything at them, inks, paints, gesso, stamping, embellishments ..... so that a once discarded photograph gains a new lease of life as a piece of art.  They're really fun to work on too; I've been in a few international swaps for altered cabinet cards and received some wonderfully humorous and imaginative pieces in return.

Anyway, here are some vintage ladies for you, they are images from some of my cabinet cards and you can use them any way you like.  Just double-click on the image to enlarge it, then right click to save to your computer (as a jpeg).  I would love to see what you do with them - if you do create a piece of artwork using one of the ladies, it would be great if you emailed me a picture of it and I'll show it off here for everyone to see.  (You can email me via the link on my About Me profile page).

If you like these images and want some more, just let me know ..... more ladies, children or gentlemen ..... or family groups? ..... the choice is yours! 


  1. I really love these images Heather. The ideas are flowing fast and furious. All I need now is some time! Can you post some of that on your blog too!! -lol

  2. Thanks for the images Heather....I'm sure they will come in useful one of these days.....as to thoughts on more....I personally would like a few men! LOL.......If you get my drift!

  3. Ah now, TIME, that's one thing I could definitely do with having more of .... it always runs out on me before I'm ready for it to *LOL* ! Hope you all find inspiration from the images and regards men, yes I can put up some male images for you, Artyjen, but somehow I don't think they'll be quite the ones you had in mind!

