......... been to visit Madame Tussauds in Blackpool with Lindsay. I have a very good friend who works there and he gave us a "guided tour" as guests. It's many years since I've visited Tussauds and there have been lots of changes since then - gone is the Chamber of Horrors (always a favourite part of the exhibition) and the Anatomical Section (very gruesome!), there's very little in the way of royalty or historical figures and it's a lot more focussed on modern celebrities, reality stars, sports people, etc, so quite unrecognisable really. Still, we had a good couple of hours there and enjoyed ourselves - Lindsay in particular threw herself into all the interactive stuff they have there now - painted headless bodies to pop your head into, hall of mirrors, re-enacting the guillotine to name but a few. Here are some pics of our day out .......
Lindsay with Bruce Forsyth
Torvill and Dean (on a revolving platform)
Here I am climbing in the jungle alongside Bear Grylls !
Lindsay just felt like hanging around for a bit!
Wayne Rooney (a close-up of one of the waxwork models to show all the detail that goes into them)
Guillotine time!
A famous photo of the Beatles re-enacted
... and it's goodnight from him, goodnight from me - and goodnight from her!
....... been ferrying my aunt around - she came down from Scotland for a couple of days to visit my mum (her sister) - so I took her up to the Home where mum is to see her. Luckily, mum was having one of her better days in that she was quite wakeful and we even got a few smiles, so that was quite positive. Afterwards we met up with Lindsay in Poulton for lunch at The Poulton Elk, a Wetherspoons pub/eatery that opened a few months ago and has proved very popular with local residents.
....... been to the Model Village. On Friday it would have been Graham's birthday so I decided to go visit and took along a bunch of bluebells (from my garden) to lay at the spot where his ashes were "scattered". It was fairly quiet there, only myself and one other family group of grandparents, daughter and toddlers, so I was able to sit for awhile and absorb the atmosphere of the place - Graham absolutely loved being there - and recall a number of memories of our time together. It was a beautiful sunshiney day, just typical of the kind of day when he'd've been down there himself, pottering about and inspecting all the buildings and figures.
Well, that's what I've been up to this week. Since being diagnosed with the diabetes I've readjusted my dietary intake and have lost around one and a half stones already, so am feeling quite pleased with myself and intend to keep on with the good work. I've kept threatening to take up aquarobics (as recommended by a friend) and on Tuesday I'll be heading off to the local leisure centre's pool for my first aquarobics class - don't quite know what to expect but I'll give it a go, see how I get on with it! On Thursday evenings for the next six weeks I'm also going to be taking part in a diabetes-awareness course - I may as well take advantage of everything that's available! Got a few enjoyable events coming up in May to look forward to - theatre trips, a party and a charity football match - not so enjoyable is getting out and tackling the garden (I'm not a gardener and haven't much of a clue about how to look after it I'm afraid) .... oh well, something new to learn I suppose.
Glad you got some quiet time at the Model Village! Tussauds looks interesting - although must say I remember being a bit scared by the wax figures as a teenager! Good Luck with Aquarobics! Chrisx